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Alkermes' Commercial Data Governance Journey: Enhancing Data Use to Support the Launch of a New Medication

Note: This blog was created from a presentation delivered at Snowflake Summit 2024 and it’s representative of Alkermes’ experience implementing the Alation Data Intelligence solution.


Data Catalog for Snowflake: Buyer's Guide

Business owners know by now: good data management is good for business. Oganizations are increasingly turning to advanced platforms like Snowflake to manage and analyze their vast amounts of data. As businesses leverage Snowflake's powerful cloud data warehousing capabilities, the need for effective data management tools becomes paramount. 


How Master Data Management Ensures Data Accuracy

A man walks into a hotel… Wait! This isn’t a joke! He checks in with one credit card, orders room service from his cell phone, and settles his bill with a different credit card. Simple, right?


How to Boost Query Speeds for Large Datasets

Technology has created a world of instant gratification as the base expectation. Imagine waiting more than a few seconds for a click to register, a webpage to load, or a video to begin. The horror!


How to Integrate AI with Data Analytics: Best Practices

The AI gold rush is on! A new report by Grand View Research has forecast that the global AI market is expected to reach US$1.8tn by 2030, a CAGR of 37.3%. Whether you’re writing emails faster, optimizing your calendar, or generating the graphics of your dreams, AI use cases are spreading across every industry and domain. This is especially true for data and analytics.


Must-Have Features in a Data Catalog Tool

In modern business, what separates the leaders from the laggards? In a word, it’s about data. Today, enterprises that can successfully understand, analyze, and use the data they gather boast a unique competitive edge. One need only look to leaders such as Kroger for proof of this. The grocery chain has invested heavily in data science and purchased the remaining 50% of its analytics arm 84.51 in 2015. Today, with yearly sales exceeding $132.5 billion, Kroger is one of the world’s largest retailers.


Sovereign Cloud: What it Is and Why Your Business Needs it

Never before has the world been more globalized, and never before have businesses operated on such a global scale. One need only consider the shirt on one’s back to appreciate this. What was designed in the US was sourced in India, manufactured in China, and sold via online retailers throughout the world. 


How Kroger is Leveraging Data Mesh and Data Fabric to Unlock Value

Key Insights


Why Implementing a Data Mesh Architecture Benefits Your Organization

As data continues to grow exponentially, organizations are seeking new ways to manage, access, and leverage this valuable resource. Traditional data architectures often struggle to keep up with the scale and complexity of ever-changing data-driven organizations.

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