Alation Data Quality Management Solution

Better Outcomes from High-Quality Data

Bad data leads to bad decisions. Understanding data quality in the data catalog, with context from rich metadata, gives people the whole picture for informed decisions.

A screenshot image of the Alation Data Quality Management Solution

Our data quality partners

Alation Data Quality Management Solution showcasing how you can take action quickly

Take action on data quality

Empower data consumers to decide if and how to use data — with full context on its history and risk. Alation surfaces a range of health metrics to signal data trustworthiness. Quickly detect and resolve issues before problems arise. Communicate impacts to the organization, team, or data steward.

Screenshot of Alation Data Quality Management Solution showcasing the right data quality

Get the right data quality

Different tools specialize in data quality by industry, region, and business type. Alation's Open Data Quality Framework's flexible approach integrates the best-of-breed data quality vendors. Insights including quality, reliability, and performance are seamlessly displayed in Alation.

Signal trustworthiness

Trust Flags in Alation can be set to manually or automatically flag data assets as endorsed, warned, or deprecated. Like intuitively knowing how to obey traffic lights on the road, Trust Flags guides people on how to use data throughout Alation and beyond at the point of use.

A screenshot image of Alation Data Quality Management Solution showing the impact of analysis

View impact analysis

Visualize the impact of deprecation on source to target data assets, directly on the lineage graph. Use Impact Analysis and Upstream Audit to quickly discern not just what data is affected, but who and why.

See column profiles

Get a quick sense of data accuracy with column profiling statistics including Minimum, Maximum, Median, and Average values, plus string stats like % NULL and number of NULL values. Customize statistics profiled by changing the SQL query.

RaceTrac logo

Our business users now trust our high-quality data for evidence-based analytics and strategic business decisions. This, coupled with real-time analytics capabilities fulfills our CEO’s vision of becoming a data-driven organization.

John (JW) Williams

Executive Director of Enterprise Data at RaceTrac