Customer Case Study

Belong: Senior Business Intelligence Specialist Uses Alation to Democratize Data

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Discover how Belong, a business of Telstra and a leader in telecommunication, harnesses the power of Alation to democratize data, enhance customer experience, and drive data-driven decisions. Key Insights from the Case Study:

  • Corporate Data Democratization: Implementing an initiative to ensure every team member has access to and understanding of data assets, improving work quality and customer service.

  • Digital Transformation for Data Accessibility: Leveraging Alation to centralize and clarify data, directly linking it to business outcomes and customer support.

  • Enhanced Business and Technical Understanding: Using Alation for coherent business concept definitions, reducing ambiguity, and fostering informed decision-making.

Learn how Belong utilized Alation to create a unified language around data, build a trusted space for data definitions, and effectively integrate new technologies into their data environment. Download now!